3.2.6 Board/administration distinction
There is a clear and appropriate distinction, in writing and practice, between the policy-making functions of the governing board and the responsibility of the administration and faculty to administer and implement policy.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
The distinction between policy-making actions of the Southwest Texas Junior College Board of Trustees and policy implementation by SWTJC administration and faculty is written and published in the SWTJC Policy manual. Specifically, the policy-making function of the SWTJC Board of Trustees is clearly defined in BBE (Local) which states that “the Board has final authority to determine and interpret the policies that govern the College District.”, which states that “the Board has final authority to determine and interpret the policies that govern the College District.” Furthermore, College Policy BE (Legal & Local) specifically address the policy making function of the Board.
The responsibility of SWTJC President is to administer and implement SWTJC policy is written, published, and clearly defined in SWTJC BFA (Legal & Local). The college president is charged with developing administrative regulations in College Policy BH (Local).
The policies cited above are based in Texas Education Code 51.352, which outlines the legal responsibilities of the Board of Trustees, and on Texas Education Code 130.084, which provides for the powers and duties of junior college governing boards.
The SWTJC organizational chart accurately reflects the college’s reporting structure, the delineation of responsibility for the administration of policies, and the relationship between the Board of Trustees, the President, the administration, the faculty, and staff. The Board minutes of the September 11, 2014 meeting provide evidence that the board delegates responsibilities to the college president.
The practice of policy-making by the SWTJC Board is evidenced in Board meeting minutes (May 15, 2014 & June 19, 2014). Policy introduction or changes are presented during regularly scheduled (monthly) Board meetings, deliberated upon by the Board, and voted upon.
The distinction between the policy-making function of the Board and the policy-implementation function of the administration is illustrated by the 2014 addition of educational leave for full-time non-faculty employees. The proposed policy was deliberated upon by the Board during its February 2014 meeting, approved by a majority vote, and thus officially made into policy by the Board. The SWTJC President, Vice Presidents, Deans, and Directors were then authorized to put the policy into practice. After Board approval, the policy was added to the policy manual at DEC (Local).
SWTJC Policy BBE (Local) Board Members Authority
SWTJC Policy BE (Legal) Policy and Bylaw Development
SWTJC Policy BE (Local) Policy and Bylaw Development
SWTJC Policy College BFA (Legal) President Qualifications and Duties
SWTJC Policy College BFA (Local) President Qualifications and Duties
SWTJC Policy BH (Local) Administrative Rules and Regulations
Texas Education Code 51.352 Responsibility of Governing Boards
Texas Education Code 130.084 Powers and Duties
SWTJC Organizational Chart
Board of Trustees Minutes, September 11, 2014
Board of Trustees Minutes, May 15, 2014
Board of Trustees Minutes, June 19, 2014
SWTJC Policy DEC (Local) Compensation and Benefits Leaves and Absences
Board of Trustees Minutes, February 20, 2014
SWTJC Policy DEC (Local) Compensation and Benefits Leaves and Absences